Saturday, August 31, 2019

Locomotion and Movements

Locomotion Is one of the Important characteristics of all living beings as plants and animals. Mostly plants are fixed but some plants move. Plants are fixed but even then they show movements as leaves of plants, touch-me-not show remarkable movements, when touched by hand. The sunflower bends towards the sunlight. During the night time so many plants fold their leaves or close the petals but next morning the leaves and petals are opened normally. Plants like chlamydeous and Volvo changes their places.Animals move from here from there in search of food ND shelter. Animals also move from place to place to avoid unfavorable conditions, for mating. To lay eggs, to make their nests (birds). Animals also run very fast to save themselves from predators. Some animals like coral, sponge and sea-anemone do not change their places. Movements mean change the position of body parts in the relation body axis but whole body does not move. For example when limbs are moved, fingers are moved to hold the things. Neck is moved towards the sides to look and tall Is moved for different purposes.Locomotion means the position of entire odd Is changed from one place to another, this takes place due to some reasons such as to obtain food, to get shelter and avoid enemies. Grazing animals, like cow, horse, goat move from place to place, birds fly away, when they are going to be caught, frog jumps into the water when it feels danger. MOVEMENTS IN ANIMALS There are so many types of animals such as unicellular, small, medium size and very large size animals all show movements either they are aquatic, arboreal or terrestrial.Microscopic animals such as Amoeba, Paramecium and euglena show following types f movements. (A) Amoeba: Amoeba is found In water. It shows creeping movements. Locomotors movements of amoeba are brought by the formation of finger like projections called pseudopodia (false feet). Several pseudopodia may project out at in any time but one pseudopodia may be continuously projecting in a specific direction, this is called leading pseudopodia, remaining Pseudopodia are withdrawn and amoeba moves in desired direction, this type of movements also occurs in W. B. C of human blood. B) Euglena: Euglena shows flagella movement . Euglena moves tit the help of thread like structure called flagellum. Flagellum extends out through the front end of Euglena, during the movements, the flagellum beats back and forth to draw the Euglena forward in the in water with a spiral rotation on straight line (swimming movements). (C) Paramecium: The whole body is recovered by thread like cilia which help paramecium in movement, this movements is called cilia movements. The cilia beat the water backwards and the paramecium moves forward, and as their stroke Is oblique, It rotates on Its longitudinal axis.When calla beat award direction the paramecium moves backwards (swimming movements). (D) Hydra: Hydra is a fixed aquatic organism. It shows two types of bending movements- 1. Looping : Hydra moves with the help of its tentacles. Hydra bends its body and fixes the tentacles on the ground, now it frees its fixed end and draws it near the tentacles and now the body becomes straight up again. 2. Somersaulting : In this releases its base and make the body straight and upside down and again bends the body forward till it touches the ground and now it releases the tentacles to make the body straight. INSECTSSome insects lack wings and they are unable to fly like silverfish and head lice. Some insects like housefly and mosquito have one pair of wing, which are called fore wings, they fly with the help of these wings. Some insects have two pairs of wings the fore and hind wings, like butterfly and dragonfly.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Book Summary Essay

The book I chose to read was â€Å"When I Say No, I Feel Guilty† by Manuel J. Smith. The first thing to stand out to me in this book was it seemed a little outdated. Even though the writing style and the examples appeared to be from a different era, I was still able to see how different points were relevant today and to me personally. This title screamed my name when I was browsing the list of choices because no matter what I am saying no to, I always feel guilty. From the first moment that we can feel and translate emotions, we have been manipulated by others. We have grown up under the sense that we should feel certain ways about particular actions. We forget to a chore when we are young, we should feel guilty. We bring a bad grade home on out report card, we should be scared of getting in trouble. Many activities are labeled either good or bad and we should portray emotions to match. As a manager, you should try to keep commands or statements neutral. A neutral statement is one that doesn’t assign the label of good or bad to a behavior so the recipient will not feel manipulated. Everyday, people try to manipulate you into doing what they want by making you feel nervous, uninformed, or blameworthy. If you let them push you around you will feel frustrated, angry or depressed. When you permit others to control your actions, you renounce your sense of personal responsibility. Smith states that the first step in fixing the situation is to know that â€Å"no one can manipulate your emotions or behavior if you don’t allow it to happen. † Also, following the Bill of Assertive Rights will help lead to non-manipulative relationships in all situations. The rights are the basis for all healthy relationships and are listed as: You have the right to judge your own behavior, thoughts and emotions, and to take the responsibility for their initiation and consequences upon yourself. You have the right to offer no reasons or excuses for justifying your behavior. You have the right to judge if you are responsible for finding solutions to other people’s problems. You have the right to change your mind. You have the right to make mistakes – and be responsible for them. You have the right to say, â€Å"I don’t know†. You have the right to be independent of the goodwill of others before coping with them. You have the right to be illogical in making decisions. You have the right to say, â€Å"I don’t understand†. You have the right to say, â€Å"I don’t care†. The first right is the foundation of all of the remaining rights. When you become your own judge, you help to build a barrier against manipulation. Judgements should be based on your values and not external systems of what is right or wrong. People base their manipulative actions on the belief that you should live up to their rules. If you are accepting of this situation, you open yourself up to a limitless variety of manipulation. Criticism is a common tool people use to get someone to behave according to their standards. Reactions to criticism can be negative with anxiety, denial, and defensiveness. Learning to take criticism in a constructive manner helps to avoid manipulation. Verbal coping methods to help accept criticism effectively are fogging, negative assertion, and negative inquiry. Fogging is when you only agree to the truths in a statement and respond to what someone has specifically stated rather than what is implied. A negative assertion is statement that takes responsibility for something you have done wrong. It takes courage to make a negative assertion and say, I’m sorry. Last, using negative inquiry encourages the critic to reply assertively instead of manipulatively. This tactic is typically used to ask for additional information about a critique. There are also different types of relationships that fall into three categories, commercial, authority, and equality. Basic verbal skills used to minimize manipulation do not change as problems are handled throughout these different relationships. Commercial relationships are clearly defined with a contract. Since this type of relationship follows a defined structure an assertive verbal skill works most effectively. In an authority relationship there is one person in charge while the other is not. Authority based relationships emphasize finding compromises that grow on existing interpersonal dynamic. Both parties are equal in an equality relationship. This relationship is the most informal and tends to have everything open for discussion. Thoughtful open communication reassures people that you will not hinder their decision making, even if you may disagree. The main concept I took away from this book is, it’s my life and what happens in it is completely up to me! I will not cower when I face manipulation. My reactions to particular situations can pave the way for a disaster or a triumph. We must always be in touch with reality to promote our own well-being and happiness. We also have to accept the possibility that changing our mind is completely normal and healthy. Keeping the Assertive Bill of Rights in mind will help to stand up against manipulation and keep our dignity, self-respect, and control over our own behavior.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

La Indolencia de Los Filipinos Essay

La indolencia de los filipinos (y de los estudiantes tambien) 1. What was the effect of conviction of â€Å"inferiority? † -The child or youth who tries to be anything else is blamed with vanity and presumption; the curate ridicules him with cruel sarcasm, his relatives look upon him with fear, strangers regard him with great compassion. No forward movement — Get back in the ranks and keep in line! With his spirit thus molded the native falls into the most pernicious of all routines: routine not planned but imposed and forced. Note that the native himself is not naturally inclined to routine but his mind is disposed to accept all truth, just as his house is open to all strangers. The good and the beautiful attract him, seduce and captivate him although like the the Japanese he often exchanges the good for the evil, if it appears to him garnished and gilded. What he lacks is in the first place liberty to allow expansion to his adventuresome spirit, and good examples, beautiful prospects for the future. It is necessary that his spirit, although it may be dismayed and cowed by the elements and the fearful manifestation of their mighty forces, store up energy, seek high purposes, in order to struggle against obstacles in the midst of unfavorable natural conditions. In order that he may progress it is necessary that a revolutionary spirit, so to speak, should boil in his veins, since progress necessarily requires the present; the victory of new ideas over the ancient and accepted one. It will not be sufficient to speak to his fancy, to talk nicely to him, nor that the light illuminate him like the ignis fatuus that leads travelers astray at night: all the flattering promises of the fairest hopes will not suffice, so long as his spirit is not free, his intelligence is not respected. 2. What is the meaning of the statement, tila ka kastila? The pernicious example of the dominators in surrounding themselves with servants and despising manual or corporal labor as a thing unbecoming the nobility and chivalrous pride of the heroes of so many centuries; those lordly airs, which the natives have translated into tila ka castila, and the desire of the dominated to be the equal of the dominators, if not essentially, at least in their manners; all this had naturally to produce aversion to activity and fear or hatred of work. 3. What does Rizal mean by saying that indolence in the Philippines is a chronic but not an inherited disease? When in consequence of a long chronic illn ess the condition of the patient is examined, the question may arise whether the weakening of the fibers and the debility of the organs are the cause of the malady’s continuing or the effect of the bad treatment that prolongs its action. The attending physician attributes the entire failure of his skill to the poor constitution of the patient, to the climate, to the surroundings, and so on. On the other hand, the patient attributes the aggravation of the evil to the system of treatment followed. Only the common crowd, the inquisitive populace, shakes its head and cannot reach a decision. Something like this happens in the case of the Philippines. Instead of a physician, read government, that is friars, employees, etc. Instead of patient, Philippines; instead of malady, indolence. 4. What proofs did Rizal give to show that pre-Spanish Malayans were not indolent? -Before the arrival of the Europeans, the Malayan Filipinos carried on an active trade, no only among themselves but also with all the neighboring countries. All the histories of those first years, in short, abound in long accounts about the industry and agriculture of the natives; mines, gold-washings, looms, farms, barter, naval construction, raising of poultry and stock, weaving of silk and cotton, distilleries, manufactures of arms, pearl fisheries, the civet industry, the horn and hide industry, etc. , are things encountered at every step, and considering the time and the conditions in the islands, prove that there was life, there was activity, there was movement. 5. How did it happen that the industrious pagan culture was transformed into that of an indolent Christian culture? -We have already spoken of the more or less latent predisposition which exists in the Philippines toward indolence, and which must exist everywhere, in the whole world, in all men, because we all hate work more or less, as it may be more or less hard, more ore less unproductive. The dolce far niente of the Italian, the rascarse la barriga of the Spaniard, the supreme aspiration of the bourgeois to live on his income in peace and tranquility, attest this. It seems that there are causes more than sufficient to breed indolence in the midst of a beehive. Thus is explained why, after thirty-two years of the system, the circumspect and prudent Morga said that the natives have forgotten much about farming, raising poultry, stock and cotton and weaving cloth, as they used to do in their paganism and for a long time after the country had been conquered! † 6. Why does the city of Hong Kong have more commercial and trade activities than the whole of the Philippines? It has more commercial movement than all the islands together, because it is free and is well governed. The great difficulty that every enterprise encountered with the administration contributed not a little to kill off all commercial and industrial movement. All the Filipinos, as well as all those who have tried to engage in business in the Philippines, know how many documents, what comings, how many stamped papers, how much patience is needed to secure from the government a permit for an enterprise. One must count upon the good will of this one, on the influence of that one, on a good bribe to another in order that the application be not pigeon-holed, a present to the one further on so that it may pass it on to his chief; one must pray to God to give him good humor and time to see and examine it; to another, talent to recognize its expediency; to one further on sufficient stupidity not to scent behind the enterprise an insurrectionary purpose land that they may not all spend the time taking baths, hunting or playing cards with the reverend friars in their convents or country houses. And above all, great patience, great knowledge of how to get along, plenty of money, a great deal of politics, many salutations, great influence, plenty of presents and complete resignation! 7. Was there gambling in the country before the coming of the Spaniards? -Yes, we do not mean to say that before the coming of the Spaniards the natives did not gamble: the passion for gambling is innate in adventuresome and excitable races, and such is the Malay, Pigafetta tells us of cockfights and of bets in the Island of Paragua. Cock-fighting must also have existed in Luzon and in all the islands, for in the terminology of the game are two Tagalog words: sabong and tari (cockpit and gaff). But there is not the least doubt that the fostering of this game is due to the government, as well as the perfecting of it. 8. What are the effects of too many religious festivals on the country? Remember, that lack of capital and absence of means paralyze all movement, and you will see how the native was perforce to be indolent for if any money might remain to him from the trials, imposts and exactions, he would have to give it to the curate for bulls, scapularies, candles, novenaries, etc. And if this does not suffice to form an indolent character, if the climate and nature are not enough in themselves to daze him and deprive him of all energy, recall then that the doctrine of his religion teach him to irrigate his fields in the dry season, not by means of canals but with amasses and prayers; to preserve his stock during an epidemic with holy water, exorcisms and benedictions that cost five dollars an animal, to drive away the locusts by a procession with the image of St. Augustine, etc. It is well, undoubtedly, to trust greatly in God; but it is better to do what one can not trouble the Creator every moment, even when these appeals redound to the benefit of His ministers. We have noticed that the countries which believe most in miracles are the laziest, just as spoiled children are the most ill-mannered. Whether they believe in miracles to palliate their laziness or they are lazy because they believe in miracles, we cannot say; but he fact is the Filipinos were much less lazy before the word miracle was introduced into their language. 9. What other evidence may be pointed out to show the lack of national sentiment? -The very limited training in the home, the tyrannical and sterile education of the rare centers of learning that blind subordination of the youth to one of greater age, influence the mind so that a man may not aspire to excel those who preceded him but must merely be content to go along with a march behind them. Stagnation forcibly results from this, and as he who devotes himself merely to copying divests himself of other qualities suited to his own nature, he naturally becomes sterile; hence decadence. Indolence is a corollary derived from the lack of stimulus and of vitality. That modesty infused into the convictions of everyone, or, to speak more clearly, that insinuated inferiority, a sort of daily and constant depreciation of the mind so that it may not be raised to the regions of life, deadens the energies, paralyzes all tendencies toward advancement, and of the least struggle a man gives up without fighting. If by one of those rare incidents, some wild spirit, that is some active one, excels, instead of his example stimulating, it only causes others to persist in their inaction. There’s one who will work for us; let’s sleep on! † say his relatives and friends. True it is that the spirit of rivalry is sometimes awakened, only that then it awakens with bad humor in the guise of envy, and instead of being a lever for helping, it is an obstacle that produces discouragement. 10. How do we know there was no national sentiment? -Absence of all opposition to measu res prejudicial to the people and the absence of any initiative in whatever may redound to its good. A man in the Philippines is only an individual, he is not a member of a nation. He is forbidden and denied the right of association, and is, therefore, weak and sluggish. The Philippines is an organism whose cells seem to have no arterial system to irrigate it or nervous system to communicate its impressions; these cells must, nevertheless, yield their product, get it where they can; if they perish, let them perish. In the view of some this is expedient so that a colony may be a colony; perhaps they are right, but not the effect that a colony may flourish.

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Financial Accounting Week 10 Course Project Assignment

Financial Accounting Week 10 Course Project - Assignment Example important in an organisation as it helps to build strong and effective competitive organisation because the workers are motivated as their efforts are appreciated in the company. It is noted that a wear and wrong compensation strategy is more likely to destroy an organisation by reducing the level of performance by the workers and decreased morale. This therefore does not utilize fully the potential of the workers (Weygandt 2003). The compensation strategy is very vital in an organisation as help the management to ensure proper management of expenses of the firm and the limits to which employees can be paid. The information also gives certainty to the employees and managers that their work is stable and the organisation’s management is also stable. Good compensation therefore requires adequate balance of skills in human resource management. Therefore before employees and shareholders are compensated, the amount of revenue obtained from the shareholder’s equity as dividends and amount of stocks sold be determined. These are compared and discussed below (Elliot & Elliot 2008) . Dividends are income obtained in excess of the shareholders equity in the firm. The shareholders therefore have the right and privilege of their compensation from the revenues earned in excess of their contribution. The dividends shared have the effect of decreasing the amount of capital in the balance sheet and then it also decreases the amount of cash available in the business. However, it motivates the workers and stakeholders that their business is expanding and increasing in the scope of production (Weygandt 2003). When a company has good stock of inventory then it reduces the cost of production and this enables the firm to produce more of the commodities than when the raw materials have to be bought. The accumulation of raw materials can also be a source of revenue for the firm as the firm can sell the raw materials and get net income. Accumulation of partially produced goods

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Religious Conflicts in Lebanon Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Religious Conflicts in Lebanon - Essay Example Moreover, there is conflict between the Sunni Muslim majority and the Shiite Muslim minority who been engaged in conflict for a long time and up to date, they are not at peace with each other. The Druze is another distinct fraction in Lebanon, they are also the minority in Lebanese society, and they have been into conflict with the Christians in the 1840s when the country was known as Mount Lebanon. Until today, there is tension between these religious groups as they are trying to build a stable democracy. It can be therefore noted that the chaos among religious groups in Lebanon is as a result of failure to establish a working power sharing system between these groups. This paper explores the religious conflict in Lebanon and it is organized in three sections. The first section presents sectarianism in Lebanon, followed by an analysis of the root of the conflict, identifying the actors and their interests. Lastly, the paper discusses possible solutions and consequences of different policy solutions. Mostly, the conflict in Lebanon is presented as a sectarian conflict, which involves the moderate Christians and the extremist Muslims (â€Å"Troubles a test†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ). Apart from religious differences between the Christians and the Muslims, there is also conflict within the Muslim community, between the Sunnis and the Shiites. The Muslim society was divided in Sunni and the Shiite because of the power struggle over succession (Tomass 714). The entire population including the Christians and Muslims speak Arabic language; however, sectarianism is a dominant socio-political reality in Lebanese society despite the features they have in common. Sectarianism is not a new in Lebanon, historical Lebanon also called Mount Lebanon used to be shared mainly by Druzes and the Maronites. They did not coexist in peace and harmony as they fought over land ownership and distribution of political power among other issues. But these two groups have coexisted in harmony until the

Monday, August 26, 2019

Nonprofit Analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Nonprofit Analysis - Essay Example The organization recruits kindhearted people who can volunteer to help the disabled in the society. Because of this, the heart has become an essential logo for the organization. Minis and Friends invite donations from different people regardless of their age or livelihood. The organization uses the donations to provide for the needy. Museum of Indian Culture Museum of Indian Culture is a nonprofit organization that focuses on education and the preservation of culture. This organization perpetuates the history of the Indian culture and enables Indians to reflect on their origin. It also aims to bring different people together regardless of their cultural differences. The organization also recognizes other American Indian tribes and aims at uniting them with the other Indians (Worth, 2012). The Museum offers educational guidance to Indians across the world. It organizes special events that seek to recognize the Indian culture. The Museum appoints different Indians to offer educational guidance to other Indians to create awareness. The appointment of Indians to help with educational guidance has promoted interactions between Indians. This has encouraged people to ignore their cultural differences and relate to each other as colleagues. ... The organization has a vision of ensuring that homeless families do not live in the streets. The organization seeks to achieve this Christian principle and vision in all countries across the world (Worth, 2012). It has a goal of building houses for different homeless families across the United States. It has focused on this goal because many families are not able to afford better housing. Because of this, Morris Habitat for Humanity has collaborated with the housing ministry in the United States to build new housing for families. It uses the funds and donations received to build houses for families. The organization builds houses for families irrespective of their religion and race. Its central goal is to encourage the provision of good housing facilities. Florence Crittenton Services Florence Crittenton Service's central intention is to assist parents with their parental responsibility. This Christian nonprofit organization assists parents in raising healthy families. The organizati on provides guidance to parents with an aim of raising successful families. Other than helping parents, Florence Crittenton Services help different families to interact with the community (Worth, 2012). The interaction between families and communities promotes peaceful coexistence. The organization also seeks to promote a healthy bond between living families. It is based upon Christian values and principles because of its family vision. The goal of the organization is to empower teenagers to live a drug free life. It promotes this goal through collaborations with the teenager’s parents. This Christian organization helps in bringing up self-sufficient families that play a role in community building. It also helps teenagers to evade the sexual

Corporate Risk Management Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Corporate Risk Management - Assignment Example Derivatives Derivatives refer to a method where one party owning a risk transfers the risk to another individual (Malz 189). The party receiving the risk bears the risk but at the same time has the advantage of making a profit is the risk does not materialise. The original owner of the risk does not have to pay anything to the risk buyer but has to forego any benefits derived from the non-occurrence of the risk. The advantage of this method of risk management to the business over using insurance is that the business is not obliged to pay any insurance premiums and therefore the only cost is the opportunity cost which the business has to bear due to not being able to benefit when the risk does not occur (Deventer & Imai, 48). The market for derivatives has grown significantly for some time, perhaps because of the increasing risks in the global business environment. Globalisation and technology have brought numerous opportunities to the business environment but at the same time brought numerous risks to businesses around the worlds (Norman, 58). As several risks have increased and their intensity in terms of likelihood and impact has increased, the need to have better ways to manage the risks has also increased. In such an environment, derivatives made from financial risks have increased and there are firms which are dedicated to trading on derivatives. Derivatives come on all sorts of nature, depending on the nature of risk (Triantis, 563). Forwards Forwards are a very good tool for managing some types of financial risks. These are risks associated with unexpected unfavourable changes in the market environment in the future (Darrell, 78). For instance, a firm may be concerned that the rate of exchange will change unfavourably in the future and thus affect its revenues. This usually happens with regard to firms which operate across international borders. In this kind of scenario, the firm can choose to have a forward contract with its customers or suppliers (Verz uh, 59). Forward contracts help the business in guaranteeing that its revenues or its business will not be affected in the future by making sure that the natural laws of the market will not come into action. For instance, in the example given above, a firm may have a forward contract which binds its suppliers to deliver the goods at a predetermined dollar rate regardless of the currency exchange rates in the future. This means that such a firm will operate without worrying that unexpected foreign exchange rates will affect its revenues in a negative way. Decentralising the business functions As identified above, currency risk is one of biggest risk which international businesses have to face today. In a modern business environment, even a slight change in the currency exchange rates can lead to massive losses for firms which manufacture their products locally and sell them abroad (Gregory 57). In this regard, apart from forward contracts, there are other options which such firms can consider in order to eliminate currency risks. These include the decentralisation of business to other countries especially where the business has the biggest markets. This has been demonstrated by the recent trend of American manufacturers going to china to set their manufacturing firms there. One of the firms which have been known to have been the first one to use this strategy of

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Critquing the movie Mahhattan by Woody Allen Thesis

Critquing the movie Mahhattan by Woody Allen - Thesis Example The bustling of the city exemplifies the same intensity and restlessness of the people that flock its streets. Woody Allen’s ‘Manhattan’ is not a romantic comedy, it is not a drama or a theme film, it is by the very epitome a homage to New York City. Anyone who would watch this film would begin to realize by the first ten seconds that what you are watching is not limited to a peek at the lives of New Yorker’s because you realize by the very beginning that the main character is the city and the characters are just breathing in the very life of the Big Apple. It is easy to fathom that the film, as written and directed by Woody Allen, contemplated of Manhattan through his perspective and idealization. Seen through the eyes of twice divorced 42-year-old Isaac Davies, it is imperative that Allen categorically played himself and the natural register of many of the character’s quirks are his own. At the outset, Isaac was not a complex character because he was above all adjectives deeply neurotic. But this was not far removed from all the other characters of the film. They just mostly vary in degree but all of them are destructive and broken and easily subjects of Freudian psychoanalysis that one could figure them out it in a matter of moments. His ex-wife narrowed him down in her book by saying that â€Å"He was given to fits of rage, Jewish male paranoia, male chauvinism, self-righteous misanthropy and nihilistic moods of despair† (Manhattan). But this of course would be a delineation and reduction of the entirety of a human being which is impossible and derogatory. The same must be taken in the context that the book that she wrote titled ‘Marriage, Divorce and Selfhood’ was her subjective attempt to encapsulate their relationship most geared to her advantage and led to his infamy. This book was mostly the cause of his neurosis as portrayed in the film a nd perhaps his wariness in the beginning of the film was most justified

Saturday, August 24, 2019

The Supply Chain Management at Durham International Manufacturing Research Paper

The Supply Chain Management at Durham International Manufacturing Company (Dimco) - Research Paper Example A successful integration effort requires collective effort between suppliers and distribution. Teaming up will facilitate immense relationship among them. The effort starts with the two parties teaming up on sharing information related to the activities that they do. This will enhance communication between the two since they will have the chance to explore more on the development of new products, and developing extraordinary systems that will facilitate production. Good relationship based on communication will facilitate stream of information continually to work on a successful integrated supply chain. Ways that Dimco Could Benefit from Leveraging B2B E-commerce B2B e-commerce is the electronic swap of business documents among businesses for the principle of conducting business. B2B information switch is a system-to-system swap of data with little or no physical involvement. Dimco can benefit from leveraging B2B e-commerce through various ways. An effective e-commerce solution will e nable Dimco to grow and scale easily to meet market demand and customer requirements by opening new sales channels and constantly reaching new market segment. A B2B e-commerce site will improve Dimco’s sales teams’ visibility into customer orders, and pricing.... B2B e-commerce enables exceptional customer service. E-commerce provides an exceptional opportunity for the B2B organization to improve its customer service initiatives. E-commerce sites can offer access to self-serve account and order information after a customer completes the secure login process. Through integration with an organization’s enterprise resource planning, an e-commerce site can display only the products, services and pricing based on client log in qualifications (Sinha, 2009). Steps Dimco Could Take to Improve its Relationship with Suppliers For Dimco to improve its relationship with suppliers, a variety of steps have to be followed. This will enable good relationship between Dimco and suppliers. Acknowledging past mistakes that were made between Dimco and suppliers and decide whether the relationship is worth saving then hunt for an open and honest communication with the supplier. This will enable Dimco and suppliers to connect and discover more concerning the errors and remedies to prevent future mistakes. Identifying the cause of the mistake is the second step Dimco will take. This will enable Dimco and supplies to find out the real cause of the mistakes that were made in the earlier period. This will allow them to know if there were warning signs before the mistake happened. Ineffectiveness to the origin of a crisis, only the sign will be resolved, and another one that is more destructive to the relationship will unavoidably appear. Dimco will then spot and apply corrective actions to the past mistakes made. These actions can include technical changes, changes in security stocks, increased communication, and changes in personnel. Dimco will finally monitor and maintain the relationship with the suppliers. This will be effective

Friday, August 23, 2019

Why do we love and cheat Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Why do we love and cheat - Research Paper Example Love has always been an inspiration for people around the worlds in all ages and civilizations. However, there had been always a dark side attached to the romantic stories of earlier times .This was that the lovers always get desperately obsesses with each other and mostly are ready to give up their life for this immeasurable emotional and physical attachment. According to (Obringer) â€Å"Love is a chemical state of mind , that's part of our genes and influenced by our upbringing. The scientists are discovering that the same chemical process that takes place with addiction takes place when we fall in love†. Love is a beautiful experience, but the other side of it is very dangerous and vicious and that is cheating stage. Cheating has always been a hidden part of love and many have been victimizes to this hazardous phenomena. However, with all this turmoil and fatal turns and twists, people still knowingly engage in love affairs. We never want to stop loving, after all the nega tive emotions we have been through, we still want to fall in love. This is where the scientist, anthropologist and psychologist get confused and they are definitely sure that love is not a chemical play but largely something beyond it. Helen Fischer here is talking about the mysterious topic of love and cheating and how all this works out in the brain of an individual. Helen is an anthropologist who researches on gender differences and human emotion and behaviors. She here explains that love is a concept which has mesmerized men and women at all times of history and the idea behind it is still unknown to human species. But loads of experiments and researches have been undertaken by Helen to understand the real reason behind why people fall for a particular person leaving the rest behind. She states that people are even ready to die for the person they loved which shows us the power of love and affection. From her speech we can make out that the real culprits behind love is the chemi cal rushing through our nervous system. The chemical dopamine has an upper hand in developing love and making the people involved in love addicted to a particular person. Dopamine is considered to be the pleasurable chemical which gives a felling of happiness and bliss to the people involved in romantic relationships. Helen states that, lovers she experimented had rush of chemicals in their brain and according to her love is a combination of lust, attachment and romantic feeling. However, it is not only human who have this chemical movement in brain but animal also do feel the same. As per (Ghosh) â€Å"In animals, scientists have observed that a chemical called oxytocin is involved in developing a bond between a mother and her young†. Apart form loving, people also do cheat and it is not always men who cheat but also women commit this sin. According to Helen, world can be a deadlier place, ff love never existed between people and this is an extremely worthy statement. Withou t love what would be the purpose of existence for human being. It could be utterly foolish to tell that eating, mating and defending is the sole purpose of life. A life without the feeling of love is bland, less purposeful and deadly. It would not be wrong to mention that no one would want to live this life without feeling love or giving love to someone. Helen here explains that women are more loving, undestanding and articulate and communicative than men. She explains that both of men and women brain work different and it is definitely an undeniable truth. â€Å"On average men; and women’s brains are not the same. Men’s and women’s were engineered , in part to handle quiet different tasks ,and that engineering is expressed in us

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Causes of American Divorce Essay Example for Free

Causes of American Divorce Essay For the last decade, the issue of American divorce has increased dramatically. A significant change in economical, psychological and emotional mind set could be the explanation of why so many American are ending their relationship in divorce. Issues such as, not having enough financial stability, lack of communication and lack of commitment, in other words infidelity, could provide an explanation to society of why divorce has increased throughout the years. The first cause of divorce may be because of not having enough financial stability from one of the spouses or both. The quote, â€Å"Money is the root of all evil,† may be true, especially when it comes to American marriages. Although, instead, the quote should say â€Å"Money is the root to all reasons marriages fail.† Money may not be the only reason it fails but could be one of the reasons. An example of this could be, if a spouse is paying for necessity based things, such as, bills and food and the other spends too much on things that are useless, this could become a problem, especially when children are involved. Most married couples tend to forget that when they say their marriage vows, there is an important line that pertains to money and that is, â€Å"Til debt do us part.† Relationships sometimes begin and the spouse may not know the financial difficulties one may be having. This could cause a problem when the couples try to buy a house or a car. Frustration could come upon them and eventually end the marriage due to the arguments. However, financial problems might n ot be the only cause of divorce. The second cause of American marriages ending in divorce could be, lack of communication. Most couples tend to stay fairly busy with work or college and don’t get a large amount of time to talk about issues one may be facing with the other, for fear that an argument may happen. However, not talking about the issues could become a problem. For example, the spouse may do something the other doesn’t like and if it keeps happening, the petty problem could cause an outrage to spark and since they were unable to solve the problem before because of lack of communication it could lead to the marriage possibly failing. The quote, â€Å"Love is communication, so the bottom line is; a lack of communication is a lack of love,† could be true for most marriages because not talking could cause separation between the spouses. The third cause of American divorce could be lack of commitment or infidelity. Infidelity is the act of unfaithfulness to a person. This could be the number one cause of marriage failure. For example, a spouse may not be into the sexual arousal game as the other spouse is. This could then lead to the spouse engaging in sexual activity with someone other than the person they married to. Sexual desire is not the only form of infidelity. Lust may be consider as adultery as well. A spouse may begin to have fantasies of being with someone else or an intense desire of love toward a person. To conclude, the three possible reasons American marriages fail could be because of financial issues, lack of communication and lack of commitment or infidelity. The numbers are becoming dramatically alarming. To stop this problem from happening marriages should build their relationship on a strong foundation and beware of rushing into things before talking about. Communication should be an important matter in any relationship.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Generally Accepted Accounting Principles Essay Example for Free

Generally Accepted Accounting Principles Essay A. What is the difference between a contribution income statement and a traditional income statement? Contribution income statement is an income statement that classifies cost by behavior (fixed cost and variable cost). Traditional income statement is sometimes called the functional income statement. It is an income statement prepared in the multiple-step or single –step income statement format which conforms to Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP) and can be used for external financial reporting. The main difference between the two is that the contribution income statement list variable costs first, followed by fixed costs. Keeping in mind that GAAP and does not permit businesses to use the contribution income statement for financial accounting – it is used only for internal decision making purposes. B. What is the difference between absorption costing and variable costing? Absorption costing is a costing method where product cost includes all the costs to acquire products and get them ready to sell regardless of whether the costs are variable or fixed. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles requires business to use absorption costing for financial accounting. Variable costing is a method of costing where only the costs to acquire products or to get them ready to sell that vary with output are treated as product costs. In other words, only variable product costs are treated as product costs. For manufactures, the difference between absorption costing and variable costing is significant. For example, when Caterpillar uses absorption costing to determine the cost of manufacturing, its product cost includes the direct material, direct labor, variable manufacturing overhead, and fixed manufacturing overhead cost incurred to make the bulldozer. These costs are added to inventory and they are not expensed as cost of goods sold until the bulldozer is sol. However, when Caterpillar uses variable costing, product cost, includes only direct material, direct labor, and variable manufacturing overhead costs. Under variable costing all of Caterpillar’s fixed manufacturing overhead cost is treated as period cost. When Caterpillar uses variable costs are added to inventory (direct material, direct labor, and variable manufacturing overhead). Under variable costing, Caterpillar expenses fixed manufacturing overhead as it is incurred just like it does other period cost such as selling and administrative expense. F. What is the contribution margin ratio and how does it differ from the contribution margin? Contribution margin is the amount remaining after all variable costs have been deducted from sales revenue. It is an important piece of information for managers, because it tells them how much of their company’s original sales dollars remain after deducting variable cost. Contribution margin ratio is the contribution margin expressed as a percentage of sales. Contribution margin ratio can be calculate by dividing the total contribution margin by total sales or by dividing the per unit contribution margin by per unit selling prices.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Types of Conflict and Stages of Conflict

Types of Conflict and Stages of Conflict CONFLICT MANAGEMENT Conflict is a process that begins when one party assume that another party has negatively affected or is about to negatively affect, something that first party are cares. The simply way to understand is conflict are disagreement between the two or more persons on any points. Conflict management is the practice of being able to identify and handle conflicts sensibly, fairly, and efficiently. Conflict management involves acquiring skills related to conflict resolution, self-awareness about conflict modes, conflict communication skills, and establishing a structure for management of conflict in your environment. Conflicts management are a natural part of the workplace occur, what the most important is the people who understand conflicts and know how to resolve them. This is important in todays market more than ever. Everyone is striving to show how valuable they are to the company they work for and, at times, this can lead to disputes with other members of the team. According to the assessment in our group, I have got two general problems. It is interpersonal an intra-personal. I will explain as follows with the scenario and the solution. Firstly, Interpersonal conflict is clash between two individuals rather than one individual a difference in views about what should be done. The different of view such as orientation of work time that are not part of an organization. Actually for interpersonal conflict we found some members in my group they have bad manner and no responsibility. For bad attitude like always came late when we have a discussion group. For responsibility, some members in my group they do not take care of their jobs. They did not came even they have free time. So in that case the rest of the members are felt not satisfied with them. For the solution, firstly our group leader tried and gave them the advices and motivation to the member are did not come in the group discussion. Secondly, our leader also tried to explain to them maybe they are not understand. Lastly, if they are still redoing their attitude, our leader use the autocratic system like let our advisor know the problem and they will get punish. Secondly, Intrapersonal conflict which are occurs within an individual often involves some from of goal conflict or cognitive conflict. A leader must ensure that all conflict of each members include himself should solve with properly to make sure that the program will run smoothly. For example, our group leader was tried to solve the problem especially for communication problems. In my group some Chinese came from China they cannot speak well in English. Different of language between members include local and international student make barrier when this project in progress. Based on the problem our leader encourage them to overcome the problem like show the uses of dictionary. Besides that, our leader also have the conflict because cannot get proper responsibilities of a group leader to do the tasks because all members have communication problems and that make all members hard to communicate. The problem that our group faced is the communication problem each members. This situation arise because of differences in language between each members that come from different background, nationalities and country. Weaknesses by using English language between each member will cause misunderstanding and will effect our project. Therefore, our leader decided to solve this conflict by using third person that are others members in others group to help us translate what we want to say or what they say. Other that we also use application such as Google Translate to get what the real meaning and can discuss together smoothly. There is a five conflict process in the addressing problem in the group that consists Potential, Cognition and personalization, Intention, Behavior and Outcome. This prosses can help our group get know the conflict that arise when this project ongoing. The first stage is the process is a potential conflict of opposition or incompatibility when members contribution ideas. In this stage, our group will meet and meeting together to develop idea to run the project. In our group, this stage is due to differences in language among members that will affect our goal and also affect our personality, emotional and aesthetic value. Communication between local and international students will be use English language for communicate each other. In this group, there have a group that members will talk a lot and less when we make a discussion. Our leader are not take this situation easily or ignored, but she will try to get attention with them by get idea that related to interested of them. This ways can help them to improve their motivation and not afraid to contribution and speak in English in this project. The second stage is cognition and personalization. At this stage, the perception of the conflict between members in the group. According to the Miler, 2011 in this stage, the parties aware of the conditions that trigger the conflict which leads to the displeasure feeling such as anxiety, pressure and the hostility. Problem that arise in our group that is difficulty to understanding English by Chinese student and this problem effect or group to complete this project. When this conflict arise, each member include our leader try to understand and help each other although it is difficult to work together and completing the task. The third stages is intention or the decision that can be use to solve our problems. The ways are by using competing, collaboration, compromising, avoiding and accommodating. We gave ideas to our members like suggested the dictionary be their friend, read a lot English books and watch English movies. Besides that, we helped each other to any task which is difficult to our member to solve and always to judge and guide them when they lost ideas of their task. It related to ways that are state early and we are more compromising and accommodating because we do not want to make the situation more serious and effect our project. The fourth stage is about behavior or become visible include statements, reactions and actions made by the conflicting parties. Our leaders will make division of the work and in this stages show that some of us are not satisfaction about their task and expressed that emotion. So, although the task are divided but other members can give any idea and discuss it together to get final decision. This ways can help our conflict not continuous and each members will be happy. Finally, we got the functional ways and methods as outcome to solve our problem. After all the activity that we do include face conflict, we have found the best ways to make sure that all members will give full responsibilities and corporation. The improvement that each member give are very satisfied and our leader also happy with it. Lastly, they also give corporate and provided good commitment to complete this task as output. MOTIVATION Motivation is derived from Latin word, ‘movere’ means ‘to move’. Motivation is general term applying to the entire class of drives, desires, needs, wishes, and similar forces. Motivation is the psychological forces that determine the direction of a person’s behavior in an organization, a person’s level of effort, and a person’s level of persistence. From the tasks given as are candidates who are inexperienced working in a group or in an organization we got a lot of problems such as no responsibility between our members, unsatisfied from the tasks given by manager, and so on. From that above we got many ways to motivate our members, to make them be useful to themselves and to be useful in an organization. They are four kinds of resources of motivation that can encourage and influence the motivation in our group such as positive motivation, negative motivation, extrinsic motivation, intrinsic motivation and others things that giving motiva tion whether it is acceptable or unacceptable by individual. Firstly, positive motivation. Positive motivation is involves proper recognition of employee efforts and appreciations of employee contribution towards the organizational goal achievement. The social and status desires require interaction with others if they are to be satisfied and they align with Maslow social need and the external component of Maslow During the problems that we got our assistant manager motivate us with gave the spirit words that can made us be happy to do the works given. She also recognizes the members who are gave full co-operation with is tells the lecturer who are did. Secondly, negative motivation. These kinds of motivation is use force, power, fear and treats to motivate members to give full co-operation and prevents members to be useless in group. In this case if any our member is do not want to do his or her task given, assistant manager warned and reports them to the lecturer if it is needed. Next, extrinsic motivation. Extrinsic motivation is induces by external factors which is primarily financial in nature. It is based upon the assumption that the behavior with results in positive reward tends to be repeated. For example, we are get motivation when the lecturer offer more marks if we are be the first one who are finish with the assignment given with do it correctly. It is exactly what was happened in my group. They are very excited to do the tasks given. Indirectly my members are very happy and felt got energy from that offered. Besides that, we also motivate ourselves with studied of motivation theories such as maslow’s hierarchy theory, aldefers ERG theory, herzberg motivator and mc clellond’s learned needs theory. Maslows hierarchy of needs, represented as a pyramid with the more basic needs at the bottom Maslows hierarchy of needs is a theory in psychology proposed by Abraham Maslow in his 1943 paper A Theory of Human Motivation in Psychological Review. Maslow subsequently extended the idea to include his observations of humans innate curiosity. His theories parallel many other theories of human developmental psychology, some of which focus on describing the stages of growth in humans. Maslow used the terms physiological, safety, belongingness and love, esteem, self-actualization and self-transcendence to describe the pattern that human motivations generally move through. From that information above, as a summary Maslow shows us about what is related in every person needs in their live. They are physiological, safety, love, esteem, and self-actualization. We would explain as follows. Physiological needs are the physical requirements for human survival. If these requirements are not met, the human body cannot function properly and will ultimately fail. Physiological needs are thought to be the most important; they should be met first. Such as air, water, and food are metabolic requirements for survival in all animals, including humans. Clothing and shelter provide necessary protection from the elements, and so on. Safety needs is the most important for me and my members, felt safe from any dangerous which is can prevent from getting emergency situations like conflagration, electric inconvenience and so on. It is can give disrupt the lessons to us if it is happen. As are students we also need looked after by the security or wooden for the particular times. Safety and Security needs are include personal security, financial security, health and well-being safety net against accidents or illness and their adverse impacts. The third level of human needs is interpersonal and involves feelings of belongingness. Humans need to feel a sense of belonging and acceptance among their social groups, regardless whether these groups are large or small. For example, some large social groups may include clubs, co-workers, religious groups, professional organizations, sports teams, and gangs. Some examples of small social connections include family members, intimate partners, mentors, colleagues, and confidants. Many people become susceptible to loneliness, social anxiety, and clinical depression in the absence of this love or belonging element. This need for belonging may overcome the physiological and security needs, depending on the strength of the peer pressure. All persons have a need to feel respected from other; this includes the need to have self-esteem and self-respect. Esteem presents the typical human desire to be accepted and valued by others. People often engage in a profession or hobby to gain recognition. Low self-esteem or an inferiority complex may result from imbalances during this level in the hierarchy. People with low self-esteem often need respect from others; they may feel the need to seek fame or glory. However, fame or glory will not help the person to build their self-esteem until they accept who they are internally. Psychological imbalances such as depression can hinder the person from obtaining a higher level of self-esteem or self-respect. This level of need refers to what a persons full potential is and the realization of that potential. Maslow describes this level as the desire to accomplish everything that one can, to become the most that one can be. Individuals may perceive or focus on this need very specifically. For example, one individual may have the strong desire to become an ideal parent. In another, the desire may be expressed athletically. For others, it may be expressed in paintings, pictures, or inventions. As previously mentioned, Maslow believed that to understand this level of need, the person must not only achieve the previous needs, but master them. In conclusion, with study the levels of Maslow’s hierarchy theory it made us to understand member’s behaviors and their needs easily. Besides that, to be careful every single word when talking to people especially members in the group to make them are respected. In this project, our leader will motivate each of members because this project are not give any cash incentive such as salary. First ways that our leader makes is to divide job for each members. It will have other situation that members are not satisfaction about their job. So, our leader will make sure that this conflict will solve to create positive environment of this project. When situation are positive will give motivate each members to work properly and give full Co-operation. In our group, each of members will try the best to do their job because their feel enthusiastic to complete this project. Second way that our leader uses to motivate each member is non-cash incentive. Our leader motivates us with advice to give good performance even there is no cash incentive. Our leader also reminded the members that this tasks given very useful to the future. The benefits are improved our skills and performances when we are worked at the real life. Besides that, our lecturer also told that the subjects taken are very important like make a proposal, and make a simple document (request letter) and so on.

Mary Wollstoncrafts, The Vindication of the Rights of Women Essays

Mary Wollstoncraft's, The Vindication of the Rights of Women Mary Wollstoncraft's book, "The Vindication of the Rights of Women," is an incredibly insightful look into the life of women in the early portion of this century. It is a philosophical examination of the condition of women, in relationship to some very basic rights, and is also a very enlightening look at how short a distance we really have come, as a society, in relationship to our perceptions of women. Wollstoncraft presents herself as an incredibly enlightened individual who looks at her gender as a subject which should be seen as reasonable creatures, rather than brutes or heroines. She begins her book with words which clearly illustrate her concerns: "After considering the historic page, and viewing the living world with anxious solicitude, the most melancholy emotions of sorrowful indignation have depressed my spirits, and I have sighed when obliged to confess that either Nature has made a great difference between man and man, or that the civilization which has hitherto taken place in the world has been very partial. I have turned over various books written on the subject of education, and patiently observed the conduct of parents and the management of schools; but what has been the result?--a profound conviction that the neglected education of my fellow-creatures is the grand source of the misery I deplore, and that women, in particular, are rendered weak and wretched by a variety of concurring causes, originating from one hasty conclusion." From this excerpt we can clearly understand that Wollstoncraft is not merely venting anger and describing realities that are false. She is not necessarily angry or bitter about the realities she sees before her, but rather, is puzzled and seems determined to somehow understand what it is that causes the realities she sees. While there is the use of some negative words such as "weak" and "wretched," these are essentially words of the time and they only further the truth of what the author is witness to. Here is a woman who is of obvious intelligence who is witness to the misunderstanding that appears to follow all women around. She illustrates that women are denied the ability to openly obtain a useful education, but rather kept ignorant and put upon this undeniable pedestal that insists women do not need to possess such knowledge, for it would lik... ...ook and her attempt to get women to understand, is that women still do not understand the essential root of the problem. While women may be in a position today, where they obtain an education and maintain a very intellectual position, and perhaps even go so far as to find a mate that treats them equally, there are still millions of women who strive to be nothing more than a pretty picture for the men. How many women spend thousands of dollars to enlarge their breasts? Do they do that so they look better in general or do they do this to gain the attention of men, in a sexual and reproductive manner? In many ways, Wollstoncraft's is a story of yesterday and today. It is a philosophical approach to the inequality or the disrespect of men in relationship to women, as well as a look into how women see each other and their own gender. It is a very intelligent address on the subject of such realities. One wonders if Wollstoncraft was aware of how relevant her philosophical approach would be 70 years later. Upon reading her book, one would have to say that Wollstoncraft was intelligent enough to recognize that such realities would never change in such a relatively short period of time.

Monday, August 19, 2019

One Hundred Years Of Solitude :: essays research papers

One of the stated aims of Mà ¡rquez, as he said it, was to “tell a story just like my grandmother would have done it';. With the result in hand the conclusion must be that he has done it quite well. Mà ¡rquez has managed to capture the vivid language of story telling as well as having the story moving both " forward and sideways". Togheter with the extensive use of magic realism and the life of mankind portrayed in the village I ´m quite sure that it will take me many years before I even start forgetting the book. In the beginning of the book the reader is directly thrown into action with Colonel Aureliano facing the firing squad. With his thoughts we are taken several years back in time when Macao was a village of twenty adobe houses. This, the beginning of the town, could in a different light be seen as representing the begining of mankind , “clear water that ran along a bed of polished stones, which were white and enormous, like prehistoric eggs.' ;. As the story goes on the town moves from utter igorance “ the world was so recent that many things lacked names'; and developes until we are in the modern time with the banana company, telephones and the union until it, towards the end of the book due to heavy rainfall, turns into an uncivilized town again before it ´s destroyed in a heavy storm. The cycle of the town starts and ends on the same point just as the development of the family and all actions, they all turn in cycles just as Ùrsula thanks to her old age found out. The way in which the story is written, with magic realism and the story evolving both forwards and sideways is one of the more unusual characteristics when, as a european, reading the book. The story gives the impression of moving sideways as the same incidents are retold from the view of different persons which means that events are put in a different order compared to other novels “Melquà ­ades had not put events in the order of man ´s conventional time, but had concentrated a century of daily episodes in such a way that they coexisted in one instant';. Magic realism, another specific South American characteristic, adds to the feeling of the narrator really just copying an old oral story. “ the boy brought him a cup of thick and steaming chocolate, which he drank without pausing to breath.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Platos Allegory of the Cave - Its Importance in Todays World Essay

Plato's Allegory of the Cave - It's Importance in Today's World Our society so values education that sociologists have recognized the problem of "over-education" (Hadjicostandi). Many people are spending years pursuing degrees which they simply do not need for the jobs they perform. It is therefore prudent for students to question whether pursuing a liberal education is really as important as our society believes. What is the point of a college education? Does it have any purpose beyond its material benefits. Are these benefits worth their cost? These are important questions that need answering. In the end, we may see that there is far more to this debate than simple accounting. Perhaps what makes education worth pursuing is that it gives us the freedom to makes these kinds of decisions about what is best for us. In many ways, this debate over education has its roots in the writings of Plato (Jowett). In Book VII of The Republic, Plato discusses such topics as enlightenment, epistemology, forms, and the duties of philosophers. The rhetorical styles which he employ are those of the dialogue and the allegory. The dialogue takes the form of a discussion between Socrates and Glaucon, while the allegory serves as a concrete illustration of the abstract ideas which Plato talks about (Jacobus, 444). Let us examine this "Allegory of the Cave" in more detail. In it, Plato asks the reader to imagine human beings living in an underground den. [where] they have been from childhood, and have their legs and necks chained so that they cannot move, and can only see before them. Above and behind them a fire is blazing at a distance, and [there is] a low wall. [with] men passing along the wall carrying all sorts of vessels, and statues a... ...nough to catch a glimpse of the light shinning at the mouth of the cave. When he has once seen the light, he will immediately embark upon a lifelong journey to reach it. Works Cited Hadjicostandi, Joanna. Module 13: Education and Medicine. Introduction to Sociology. 1 May, 2006. . Jacobus, Lee A. A World of Ideas. 7th Edition Boston: Bedford/St. Martins. 2006. Plato. The Apology of Socrates. The Internet Classics Archive. Retrieved 2 May, 2006. . Plato. The Republic. Trans. Jowett, Benjamin. Cleveland, Ohio: 1946. Plato. 2006. Wikimedia. Retrieved 1 May, 2006. . Plato's Allegory of the Cave. 2006 Retrieved 1 May, 2006. . The Matrix. Dir. The Wachowski Brothers. Perf. Keanu Reeves, Lawrence Fishburne. 20th Century Fox, 1991. Thoreau, Henry D. A World of Ideas. 7th Edition. Ed. Lee A. Jacobus. Boston: Bedford/St. Martins. 2006.

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Martin Luther King, Jr.

Martin Luther King, Jr. was born in Atlanta, Georgia, the son of clergyman. He graduated from Morehouse College, in Atlanta, in 1948, and received a Ph.D. in theology from Boston University in 1955. After being ordained a Baptist minister in 1947, Martin was named assistant pastor of his father’s church, Ebenezer Baptist Church in Montgomery. In 1960 he became co-pastor of his father’s church, a post he held until his death. He was assassinated on April 4, 1968, in Memphis, Tennessee, where he had gone to support striking sanitation workers. James Earl Ray was convicted of his murder.[1] The intents of this paper are to: (1) find out why Martin Luther king was distinct from other black leaders; (2) know of his specific works and his literature; (3) be aware of the conspiracy of his death. II. Background A. Why Martin Luther King Jr. was distinct from other black leaders? We have learned that King was very popular due to its noble works that he had done to every race. He was the only leader that received numerous awards even before and after his death. Aside from the award he won in the Nobel Prize, he received another award from a prestige group of Jewish American in 1965. One year after, the Margaret Sanger Award was presented to King, Jr. by the Planned Parenthood Federation of America for his spirited and dauntless resistance to racism and his enduring devotion and commitment for his principle of having a an equality among races. Not like with other black American leaders, King, Jr. also received the President Medal of Freedom in 1977 after his death.[2] And in the 20th century, Martin Luther King, Jr. is regarded as the second most appreciated person. Moreover, aside from the awards he received, he helped Southern Christian Leadership Conference to be found and eventually, he was hailed as head of the organization. The aims and grounds of this organization were based on Christianity and its operational strategies were from Gandhi. During his service, he was able to travel over six million miles and spoke for about twenty-five hundred times.[3] Throughout his leadership, he headed a huge demonstration and rally in Birmingham, Alabama that took notice world widely which provided of what he called a â€Å"coalition of conscience† III. Discussion A. King as a leader Martin Luther King, Jr. was a United States clergyman and civil rights leader. King became the nation’s most prominent spokesman for equal justice for black Americans. He was a charismatic leader and an eloquent speaker, who preached nonviolent resistance to unjust laws and practices, a tactic he adopted from Indian leader Mohandas K. Gandhi. His civil rights efforts helped to bring about passage of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Voting Rights Act of 1965. He was awarded the Nobel Peace prize in 1964.[4] In 1983, the U.S. Congress voted to make his birthday, January 15, a national holiday (celebrated on the third Monday of the month). In addition, his books and literature that were written include: Stride toward Freedom (1958); Measure of a Man (1059); Strength to love (1963); Why We Can’t Wait (1964); and The Trumpets of Conscience (1968).[5] King began his involvement in the modern civil rights movement in 1955 with leadership of the Montgomery (Alabama) bus boycott, which ended segregated seating on that city’s public buses. He then urged black Americans to follow the Montgomery example and win their rights through non-violent protest. As head of the Southern Christian Leadership Conference, which he helped to found in 1957, Martin Luther King, Jr. led demonstrations, marches, sit-ins, and boycotts in many cities in both the South and the North, often meeting hostility and sometimes violence.[6] He was jailed several times in the South for his activities. In 1967, he also became a leader of the peace movement, seeking an end to the Vietnamese War. B. Its Allegations Several suspected that there was a conspiracy during the death of Martin Luther King, Jr. Furthermore, the said eyewitnesses who surrounded King, Jr. during his assassination stated that the shot came from different locations and it came from thick shrubbery nearly close to the â€Å"rooming house† and did not exactly come there. James Earl Ray was suspected as the assassin and was put into trial. On the other hand, Dexter King- son of Martin Luther King- was able to meet Ray and showed support publicly on Ray's efforts to have a trial during 1997.[7] Two years later, Martin Luther King's wife, Coreatta Scott King, and along with the member of her family received an erroneous trial against Loyd Jowers and to the unidentified accomplices. Three years after (2000), the Department of Justice had its investigation on Jower's claims but it failed to look for evidence in order to support the allegations.[8] IV. Conclusion The life of Martin Luther King, Jr. was truly a blessing for every black American who experienced equality and biases from the â€Å"superior race.† This man leaves a very notable reputation and honors that none of the black Americans can compare with his notable record as a man who brought changed in America's society. Martin Luther King, Jr. has truly contributed to the history of United States of America. His upright deeds will not be forgotten for every individual especially for those who experienced racism. He was a type of a leader that was able to lead a mass writhe for racial equality that doomed separation and brought changed to the United States of America. His assassination was not the end of the â€Å"black people society† to keep fighting for their rights but it was only the beginning that motivated their hearts to continue fighting for its principles and rights. References: Haskins, James (2004). The Life and Death of Martin Luther King, Jr. (Lothrop, Lee & Shephard, 2000). Lincoln, C.E. (2002). Martin Luther King, Jr.: A Profile (Hill & Wang, 1996). Oates, S.B. (1999). Let the Trumpet Sound: the Life of Martin Luther King, Jr.   Ã‚  Ã‚   (Harper & Row, 1992). Richardson, Nigel (2003). Martin Luther King (David & Charles, 1997). Martin Luther King: The Nobel Peace Prize 1964.†, copyright Nobel Web AB 2006. bio.html [1] Richardson, Nigel (2003). Martin Luther King (David & Charles, 1997). [2] Martin Luther King: The Nobel Peace Prize 1964.†, copyright Nobel Web AB 2006. bio.html [3] Oates, S.B. (1999). Let the Trumpet Sound: the Life of Martin Luther King, Jr.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   (Harper &   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Row, 1992). [4] Lincoln, C.E. (2002). Martin Luther King, Jr.: A Profile (Hill & Wang, 1996). [5] Oates, S.B. (1999). Let the Trumpet Sound: the Life of Martin Luther King, Jr.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   (Harper &   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Row, 1992). [6] Ibid†¦ [7] Haskins, James (2004). The Life and Death of Martin Luther King, Jr. (Lothrop, Lee &   Ã‚  Ã‚   Shephard, 2000). [8] Oates, S.B. (1999). Let the Trumpet Sound: the Life of Martin Luther King, Jr.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   (Harper &   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Row, 1992).   

Friday, August 16, 2019


I have good communication and ‘people' skills. I am flexible and enjoy learning new skills and have enjoyed working in different environments. This has given me so much experience. I would welcome the opportunity to further my education/ training to ensure can do any job to the best of my ability. The Heathens Animal Rescue Group, Cat Sanctuary -July 2014 to date Volunteer helping in the sanctuary. BOW (Business Working with Watershed) – May 2014 Volunteer Organizes. Organizing networking events for a charitable organization that brings together businesses to do work in the community.Setting up event, meeting delegates, compiling information on attendees, making sure delegates are looked after at the event. Babysitter – January 2012 to date babysat for neighbors and friends, giving them the opportunity to socialism and attend events. This has taught me how to organize a diary, network and learn a little about running a business. Prep Dam School India – Febr uary 2014 Volunteer was given an amazing opportunity from college to fly to India to take part in volunteer project helping in Catholic schools and orphanages in Iambi.This was a life changing opportunity. We attended different schools. The first was a girls orphanage with ages ranging from 6 – 16 years. We played a few simple games with them, sang songs and then worked with them to produce a presentation on Nelson Mandela and freedom. They made posters inspired by the presentation. This gave me a chance to hear some of the girls life stories, and how coming to the boarding school was a way out of the slums for them for a while, like a long holiday.The second school was similar, but girls and boys aged 5 years old. On our final day with the charity, we reached our hardest challenge, looking after 200, 5 year olds. We decided to do lots of arts and crafts, bracelet making painting and mask making along with sports such as cricket and football. We hope we made a difference to t hem, they certainly made a difference to me. Zoom Play Centre Stockpot – June 2012 to June 2014 Party Host/Waitress Whilst working at Zoom, have had many roles. My main role is a Party Host for young children.This involves serving hem food and drink, as well as organizing different games for them. My other roles include working on the till, serving drinks and confectionery. Taking food orders, waiting on tables, and cleaning the equipment, cafe and party area. SST Michaels Primary School – Work Experience – July 2012 Teaching Assistant While I was in year 1 1, I was offered the opportunity do my work experience in a primary school. I learned to control different situations, planned lessons, interact with teachers and pupils, and was involved in organizing trips out.Miss Selfridges – The Tradeoff Centre – October 2014 – Present Whilst working at Miss Selfridges, I was responsible for working as part of a team to reach the stores sales and cus tomer service targets. Some of the roles I contributed to included making sure that each and every customer was satisfied and has found everything they needed, offering expert knowledge and fashion advice, handling all customer responses and being able to deal with them in a calm and professional manner and ensuring that all standards are up to scratch ND maintained throughout the day.

Thursday, August 15, 2019

A Study of Brand Strategy for Supermarket Industry in Hong Kong

In the growing FMCG market of Hong Kong, the concept of brand strategy for supermarkets is the most vital variable of interest to retailers. This research makes an in-depth analysis of the dimensional aspects of brand strategy for supermarket industry with additional focus on the store image which is the antecedent for store loyalty.The research extends to examining the efforts of the supermarkets in Hong Kong to assess the effectiveness of such efforts in building a brand strategy for an effective store loyalty towards their stores.The research proposes to achieve the objectives of assessing the effectiveness of the efforts of the supermarkets in building a brand strategy by a review of the available literature on the topic of study and also by conducting a social research by employing recognized research methods to present a comprehensive and analytical report on the findings of the research.The study proposes to use qualitative methods for the collection of secondary data and info rmation including a collection of a wide range of resources for a review of the literature on the topic of the study. Quantitative method in the form on an ‘Online Survey’ of the customers of supermarkets by using a well constructed questionnaire to collect their opinions on the effectiveness of the efforts of the supermarkets in building a brand strategy in the supermarket industry in Hong Kong.The study will consider various attributes that promotes the brand strategy towards the supermarkets in Hong Kong.It will be astounding for the people who visit the Asian Cities like Hong Kong, Singapore and Bangkok for the first time to witness the role, shopping plays in the culture of the local people in this region.Retail therapy can be considered to be a conspicuous national pastime of these regions. With the growing wealth in Asia and with the enhancement in the disposable income of the people in the continent, there are every chances that consumer based firms will emerge as the strongest sector in the coming periods.Under the Closer Economic Partnership Agreement (CEPA) there had been a higher influx of tourists from China which has resulted in a growth of 9.7 percent higher sales in the departmental stores as of September 2006 on a year-on-year comparison.According to a survey conducted by ACNielsen the market research firm, on 22000 global consumers, Malaysia, Hong Kong, and Indonesia were included in the top 10 markets in the consumer confidence. (ACNielsen Global Consumer Confidence Report, Jan 2006)With the increased consumer activities in the retail sales it becomes important for the supermarkets to assess the shopping habits of the consumers and adjust their marketing strategies to maximize the sales growth and revenue. This is especially necessary in a large consumer market like Hong Kong.The effectiveness of the actions from the supermarkets on improving the stores loyalty, though depends largely on the consumer buying habits there are seve ral other factors that determine the store loyalty like, proximity of location of the stores, brand awareness, quality of the products, pricing and promotional offers and other consumer habits.Being a highly sensitive issue getting the store loyalty of the consumers is a tough task for the supermarkets as switching to alternative stores by the customers costs nothing to them and is also less cumbersome. This poses a great challenge to the supermarkets. In this context this research makes a detailed study into the effectiveness of the efforts of the supermarkets in building a brand strategy for establishing store loyalty among the consumers. Â  

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Food & Beverage Operations Management Essay

FOOD PRODUCTION It is a process of preparing food in which raw materials are transformed into ready-to-eat food products for human consumption in the home or in any food processing industries. Food production can be classified into various types which are: traditional, centralized, batch cooking, call order, Assembly cooking, sous-vide, cook-chill, cook-freeze. Traditional Cooking. It is the simple and fast way to cook food. This cooking is done mostly in clay pots as per our tradition. Cooking in clay pots maintains moisture, keeps food warm for hours and the flavor of the food is unique. Centralized. Centralized cooking is done in large kitchen units that have the capacity to cook up to 100,000 meals. This kitchen serves a set of schools, orphanages, etc†¦located around the unit. 3. Batch Cooking. In this, the cooking is done in large batches in advance to save time so that the work is done in speed on weekdays. 4. Call Order. It is produced specifically when someone requests the item so that the item can be made as per the desire of the customer. Most of the fast-food corners have adopted this method of cooking. 5. Assembly Cooking. It is also known as bulk cooking. It means cooking in advance which is then stored in the freezer for up to 2-3 days which can be cooked later and consume by the customers. It is a time-saving technique. 6. Sous-Vide. It is a method of cooking in which food is vacuum-sealed in a plastic pouch and placed in a water bath for longer than normal cooking times. 7. Cook-Chill. In this, the food is cooked and then chilled to 3 degrees C in a central kitchen. It preserves food for up to 4 days before it is reheated for eating. 8. Cook-Freeze. In this, the food is cooked and then frozen to -20 degrees C in a central kitchen. It preserves food for up to 8 weeks before it is reheated for eating. CITATION Loc l 2057 (Locus Assignments)Food and Beverage Service Systems. CITATION Sky l 2057 (Sky City Careers)There are mainly 5 categories of service which includes: 1. Table Service It is a style of food service where the diner sits at the table and the food is served by a waiter/waitress. This is the oldest form of service. This following service comes under this category: English Service French Service Silver Service American Service Russian Service Guerdon Service Snack Bar Service 2. Assisted Service In this category, the guest enters in the dining area and helps himself to the food from a buffet counter. This category of service includes only Buffet Service. 3. Self-Service In this type of service, the guest enters in the dining area, selects his own tray or from the food counter and carries food by himself to his seating place. This category includes Cafeteria Service. 4. Single Point Service In this category, the guest orders pay for his order and get served all at a single point. This following service comes under this category:- Take-Away Service Vending Machine Food Courts Kiosks 5. Specialized Service In this category, the guest is served at the place, which is not meant or designated for food & beverage service like guest rooms. This following service comes under this category:- Tray Service Grill Room Service Trolley Service Home-Delivery Lounge Service Room Service 1.2. DISCUSS FACTORS AFFECTING RECIPES AND MENUS FOR SPECIFIC SYSTEMS Factors affecting recipes and menus for specific systems are: Size of operation Objectives of the operation Quality of the operation Nature of the menu Quality of customers The budget of the customers Customer needs Availability of resources CITATION Loc l 2057 (Locus Assignments)1.3. Compare the cost and staffing implications for different systems. Self-service outlets and vending machines Costs implications -Food served is mostly made of readily available low-cost raw materials. Only minor storage requirements. Staff implications-Very low costs. Few or no kitchen staff at all. Service can be managed by one unskilled person. Cafeteria, pubs, bars and buffet services Costs implications- Low service costs. Food costs depending upon the business aims. Staff implications – Skilled, semi-skilled and unskilled kitchen and service staff. Fewer employees than table service restaurants. Restaurants(English and American table service) Costs implications – Ranging from low to high-quality production, material, and storage costs according to quality level of an outlet. Staff implications- Combining high-skilled and less-skilled assistants will help keep costs down. Restaurants (French and Russian table service), Gourmet restaurants, high-level event catering. Costs implications – High-quality raw materials, often seasonal ingredients. Staff implications – High-skilled kitchen and service staff. CITATION Nel l 2057 (Nelson College London)1.4. Justify the suitability of systems for particular food and beverage outlets. IN-FLIGHT CATERING CITATION runs l 2057 (RUS)TRAY SERVICE is done in airlines because of the following factors:- There is no place for the kitchen in flights. It is easy to serve. It is more hygienic. It takes less effort by the service staff. There are disposable utensils which are easy to clear. TASK 2; 2.1Discuss the use of financial statements in food and beverage operations. 2.2Demonstrate the use of cost and pricing processes. 2.3Analyze the purchasing processes. SUMMATIVE ASSESSMENT RECORD SHEET Programme Pearson BTEC Level 5 HND in Hospitality Management Learner Name Keerti Krishna Ratnala Assessor Name Mr. Osden Dias Unit No. & Title Unit 5: Food & Beverage Operations Management. Target Learning Aims Assignment No. & Title To understand different food & beverage production and service systems with financial controls used in food & beverage operations. Issue Date Interim Submission Date Final Submission Date Target criteria Criteria Achieved Final Assessment Comments Summative comments Resubmission authorization* Resubmission Date: * All resubmissions must be authorized. Only 1 resubmission is possible per assignment. Assessor Signature Date: Learner comments Learner Signature Date: INTERNAL VERIFICATION – ASSESSMENT DECISIONS Programme title Pearson BTEC Level 5 HND in Hospitality Management Assessor Mr. Osden Dias Internal Verifier Unit(s) Unit 5: Food & Beverage Operations Management. Assignment title To understand different food & beverage production and service systems with financial controls used in food & beverage operations. Learner’s name Keerti Krishna Ratnala List which assessment and grading criteria the assessor has awarded. Pass Merit Distinction INTERNAL VERIFIER CHECKLIST Comments Do the assessment criteria awarded match those targeted by the assignment brief? Y/N Has the work been assessed accurately? Y/N Is the feedback to the learner: Constructive? Linked to relevant assessment and grading criteria? Identifying opportunities for improved performance? Agreeing actions? Y/N Does the assessment decision need amending? Y/N Assessor signature Date Internal Verifier signature Date Lead Internal Verifier signature (if required) Date Confirm action completed Remedial action is taken Assessor signature Date Internal Verifier signature Date Lead Internal Verifier signature (if required) Date

What is the nature of human existence from a Heideggerian perspective, Essay

What is the nature of human existence from a Heideggerian perspective, and what relevance may this have to psychotherapy - Essay Example This paper will examine the application of existential philosophy to psychotherapy, particularly focusing on Heidegger’s approach, though other existentialists will be touched upon in order to form a more general overview of Heidegger’s theory as it stands alone and in comparison to other similar theories. Heidegger’s concept of being and his fundamental issue of where being begins will be explored, as well as his notion of dasein and anxiety in application to psychotherapy. It will then be evaluated in order assess its effectiveness and contributions to psychotherapy both actual and potential. It will ultimately argued that Heidegger’s contributions to psychotherapy have the potential to be extremely useful, though they have as of yet struggled to have any major influences on psychotherapy practice. While this is due to the seemingly negative lack of structure when applying existentialism and philosophy in general to psychotherapy, it is possible that aft er some time the philosophical approach to psychotherapy can gradually develop into a methodical, structured practice. Heidegger was greatly influenced by philosophers such as Jaspers (1964) and laid the ground for later philosophers such as Binswanger (1963). The central theme of all was the shift from psychiatry to philosophy so that human problems and paradoxes could be better understood. This was of course initially received as an almost impossible task. A number of philosophers have applied existentialism to psychotherapy in several different forms and manners (Frankl, 1967; Szasz, 1965), and the stubbornness with which theories have been proposed suggests that future approaches to psychotherapy will increasingly incorporate existential themes. Heidegger’s existential philosophy concentrates on the supra and inter personal dimensions through its attempts to discover and analyse

Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Healthcare Budget Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Healthcare Budget - Term Paper Example In their place, it is always important to put structures that help in the effective creation and monitoring of the operating budget. To this end, this is going to be a paper that does not only prepare a comprehensive operating budget based on the previous year’s projections but it would also be a document that critically identifies some of the effective financial management practices that could both hinder and promote effective creation and monitoring of the operating budget. ... 3 the marketing plans that were started in 2009 would be maintained and this is expected to additional revenue to an increment tone of 16%. 4 Increases in salaries is expected to be very steady as there is not expected much increase in patient volume for the period under review. 5 as most suppliers depend on inflation rates and the cost of global oil to determine their cost, it is estimated that the cost of supplies will increase drastically to reflect expected increases in oil prices. 6 Contract fees will see an upward adjustment to meet present economic demands and cost of living. 7 Oil prices will play another major role in bringing about increases in utilities. 8 The facility is expecting to continue the replacement program began in 2009 and this is to bring about depreciation as equipment such as Some high-cost equipment air conditioning, telephone system, all patient beds and headwalls) are replaced. 9 Repayments for previously borrowed monies will be due in the year under revi ew. 10 Renegotiations with Managed Care plans were not completed in 2009 and so will be carried ahead into the present year. 11 Total expenses will rise 4.4%. 12 As the hospital makes efforts to reduce losses, income is expected to drastically increase. 13 The â€Å"Bull Market† syndrome is not expected to change anytime soon. 14 As in 2009, The hospital's loss will be further reduced by good returns on investment income. Financial management practices that promote effective creation and monitoring of the budget Financial researchers have identified a number of practices that are useful in creating and monitoring an operating budget (Wolinsky, 2005). In their opinion, these practices collectively come together to constitute effective financial management. The first

Monday, August 12, 2019

Strategic Leadership Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4000 words

Strategic Leadership - Essay Example This is the element of strategic leadership: a forward-thinking planning unit that accommodates current flexibility in design and operations to fulfill a future goal as it pertains to organizational success. This paper will highlight what strategic leadership means in today’s organizations as well as a discussion on the day-to-day relevance of strategic management as compared to organizational realities. The nature of strategic leadership Organisational leaders in a management role must consider systems integrity, maintain control over current operational function, and improve cultural and executive-level confidence in financial data when making decisions (Kittredge, 2009). Understanding how to move the organization forward means understanding what currently drives issues of production, staffing, human resources, marketing, and competitive position among competitors with similar product and service offerings in the external marketplace. Generally, this function is accomplished by performing external audits, such as Porter’s Five Forces Analysis or SWOT Analysis, to gain the understanding of consumer preferences as well as competitive activities designed to remove market share from the organization. In order to develop an effective future-based strategy, the current market position of the business and its internal operations and structure must be understood. Strategic leadership is then defined as first understanding product and customer profitability opportunities, how to develop effective marketing strategies, establish effective and compliance-based accounting strategies and also develop a total quality management system to guide current production or technologies designed to support the business. It is a form of management accounting that designs and evaluates performance against strategic analysis tools (Fung, 2006). Once these fundamentals of current business strategy are understood, a strategic leader then develops an appropriate mission or vision about how to achieve organizational goals over the long-term. Human capital is one of the most important elements of organizational success, thus a strategic leader understands the dynamics employee psychology and sociology in order to establish a culture of human loyalty toward achieving what has been spelled out in the mission or vision statement. A strategic leader, in order to achieve long-term goals, must understand what drives motivation in employee and management groups and then appeal to these needs in a variety of ways. Peacock (2008, p.44) identifies â€Å"just relying on yearly appraisals forces them to work in a pre-defined set of tasks without taking into account what they are capable of†. A strategic leader goes beyond simple performance analyses and works consistently to develop employees to be active contributors to meeting long-term goals as identified through new mission values and practices. Therefore, strategic leadership should be defined as not on ly achievement of future objectives toward organizational profitability, it should be seen as a transformational management style.

Sunday, August 11, 2019

Development of Catholic Church Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Development of Catholic Church - Research Paper Example This paper will discuss the development of the Catholic Church, the church fathers, their opponents, and the theological disputes the church fathers faced. The spreading of Christian religion was more successful in urban areas among people of low social class, aristocratic women and slaves. The first Catholic Church was not well organized, thus; they came up with a structured hierarchy where the Bishop had authority over clergy in his city. By the third century, many things had changed, and the Bishop of Rome solved problems that other Bishops could not solve thus acted as a court of appeal. The doctrine of the Catholic Church was refined by the church fathers. Many years later catholic teachings came to be defined by proto-orthodox teachings. Christians faced persecution due to their refusal to give up their God and worship the gods of the other religions. The non Christians and the authorities felt that Christians were threatening their peace and the prosperity of the Roman Empire, by annoying the gods. Christians faced accusation of incest and cannibalism due to their secrecy in their religious practice. Any unusual occurrence in the empire was blamed on the Christians claiming that the gods were angry, and this led to the persecution of more Christians in the Roman Empire. All residents, except the Jews, had to give sacrifices to the gods or risk being persecuted. However, all these events took a turn when Constantine became emperor of the Western Roman Empire. He declared that his victory was attributed to Christianity. He came up with a law that mandated the acceptance of all religions in the Empire. After the Western Roman Empire failure, there were competitions between the Catholic Church and Arianism to convert the Barbarian tribes. In the late 15th century explorers and the European missionaries spread Catholicism in America, Asia and Africa. The Catholic Church had Church fathers. Church fathers were early eminent Christian teachers, bishops and infl uential theologians. The church fathers faced a number of theological disputes. For, example, Jesus Christ in the Eucharist was a sign of contradiction to the early church fathers. Some people did not believe that the Eucharist was a representation of the body of Christ or the symbolic memorial of Christ’s death. The cross was also a point of dispute. It is believed that Jesus Christ died for man’s sin, yet the Catholics believe that we should obey God, love others and go through suffering and pain. This is a contradiction since Jesus suffered on the cross for man’s sins. Human embryo is also another contradiction. This was seen as a sign of dispute the church fathers engaged in because it is believed that, the embryo is already a human being and that human beings were created in the God’s likeness (Edward 23). Augustine of Hippo was a bishop of Regius. He believed that Christ’s grace is indispensable to the freedom of human Augustine was converted to Christianity after hearing the story of Placianus. This story inspired him and led to his conversion to Christianity. He gave up his social life and dedicated his life to serving God and practiced priesthood, including celibacy. According to him, his conversion was prompted by a voice he heard that was child like telling him, â€Å"tolle, lege† (â€Å"take up and read†). Augustine considered the fact that people believed the soul originated from God as