Monday, August 26, 2019

Nonprofit Analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Nonprofit Analysis - Essay Example The organization recruits kindhearted people who can volunteer to help the disabled in the society. Because of this, the heart has become an essential logo for the organization. Minis and Friends invite donations from different people regardless of their age or livelihood. The organization uses the donations to provide for the needy. Museum of Indian Culture Museum of Indian Culture is a nonprofit organization that focuses on education and the preservation of culture. This organization perpetuates the history of the Indian culture and enables Indians to reflect on their origin. It also aims to bring different people together regardless of their cultural differences. The organization also recognizes other American Indian tribes and aims at uniting them with the other Indians (Worth, 2012). The Museum offers educational guidance to Indians across the world. It organizes special events that seek to recognize the Indian culture. The Museum appoints different Indians to offer educational guidance to other Indians to create awareness. The appointment of Indians to help with educational guidance has promoted interactions between Indians. This has encouraged people to ignore their cultural differences and relate to each other as colleagues. ... The organization has a vision of ensuring that homeless families do not live in the streets. The organization seeks to achieve this Christian principle and vision in all countries across the world (Worth, 2012). It has a goal of building houses for different homeless families across the United States. It has focused on this goal because many families are not able to afford better housing. Because of this, Morris Habitat for Humanity has collaborated with the housing ministry in the United States to build new housing for families. It uses the funds and donations received to build houses for families. The organization builds houses for families irrespective of their religion and race. Its central goal is to encourage the provision of good housing facilities. Florence Crittenton Services Florence Crittenton Service's central intention is to assist parents with their parental responsibility. This Christian nonprofit organization assists parents in raising healthy families. The organizati on provides guidance to parents with an aim of raising successful families. Other than helping parents, Florence Crittenton Services help different families to interact with the community (Worth, 2012). The interaction between families and communities promotes peaceful coexistence. The organization also seeks to promote a healthy bond between living families. It is based upon Christian values and principles because of its family vision. The goal of the organization is to empower teenagers to live a drug free life. It promotes this goal through collaborations with the teenager’s parents. This Christian organization helps in bringing up self-sufficient families that play a role in community building. It also helps teenagers to evade the sexual

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